Wednesday 22 February 2012

The Human Voice

Your voice is an intimate part of you which could be seen to be pure, sweet, strong, seductive, attractive and funny or commanding. It is the faculty of power of uttering sounds through the mouth by the controlled expulsion of air. The production of voice in a speech is a habit and, like most habits, is generally given little thought. Nevertheless the making of vocal sounds requires a mechanism of an intricate and highly developed character.
The voice is physiologically wired to respond to and communicate your thoughts and feelings in real time. In fact, the voice is without doubt the most efficient sound producer in existence. From various perspectives, there is a distinction between the spoken voice and the singing voice. Singing could be described as the art of expressing emotions and sentiments with words and music by using the voice as a musical instrument, while speaking could also be termed to express same but without music inflections. What singing and speaking both share in common are the properties of vocal sounds which are: pitch, intensity, duration, and timbre (or, tone colour), but what clearly differentiates them are in some elements of music which are; melody, harmony, rhythm, form, texture, tempo and dynamics.

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